I am not an animal lover at all, but when the weird weather comes, I dislike my cat even more. Yes it's great having her around, but when she carries on all dramatic, running around the house in a panic, screeching meows in my ear, and yes...hiding IN not near IN the toilet, it gets pretty annoying! We have had many pets in my life, all which have died, and we are now down to just one cat named kitty. This past week it was 100+ degree weather everyday. Today it's cloudy and 63. I wake up and say "Oh wow, it's actually cold out." I go to let the cat inside, and she's like "Oh my god, there's a temperature change, I'm gonna die!!!" She then proceeds to run around the house back and forth back and forth countless times, then suddenly disappears. I think, "Awe she must have calmed down." 15 minutes later I go to use the restroom and am startled as I go to sit down and am greeted with a cat head! She was seriously sitting in the toilet! Now I know what you are thinking, there's something wrong with her, she needs to see a vet. This is not the first time she has done this though, it happens evertime we have a cold day after several hot, or a hot day after several cold. So I pick her up and carry her across the carpet and put her outside on the covered porch and dry her off. I decide to leave her out because she is being so weird. She started moaning and scratching at the door so loud I can hear her half way across the house. I am thinking she must be getting attacked! I run back out and open the door and find it's just her. I say to her "What to you want you freak?!" She stands there staring at me. "You coming in or staying out?" I ask quite irritated at this point. She just sat there staring at me, so I figured she wanted to stay out. I go to shut the door, and she starts moaning again. I start to giggle at this point. I open and she shuts up, I close and she moans, over and over again I did this. Finally I decide to stop being so cruel to her just for a good laugh, I pet her a few times and she gets close and cuddly, then she ran off to play in the yard and has been fine since then. It's funny that no matter where I go, I can always find some one who thinks they have the craziest cat in the world. So I guess the life lesson I have learned today, cats are great for hours of mindless entertainment!
On another note, I got my first letter from my Compassion child, Elizabeth, last night!