I found a book I filled out in 2nd grade. It was a big long questionnaire about me, and one page asked what my biggest dreams were for the future. It made me smile. So I thought I would share a few of my big dreams that I have in 2011. Soon I want to graduate college and get married, and watch my kids grow up....but here are a few of the more unique dreams I have:
1. Adoption -In the fourth grade I had the dream of having 27 children when I grew up. I told people I would have 10 and adopt 17 more. I know understand that, that is unreasonable, however I still dream of adopting children. I read a true story of a little girl who literally vanished in the foster care system, because there were so many kids, the state could not keep track of her. That day my dream of adopting foster children was formed. I would like to adopt children under the age of 6.
2. Published Author -I have always loved telling stories. I never liked writing them though. When I got into college, my writing professor made me love writing. He also told me I had way above college level writing skill. He encouraged me to start writing down all my stories and try to get some published. I finished one story that I really liked. I sent it in to a publishing agency. It was close to 40,000 words, they sent me a letter saying it needed to be closer to 120,000 words. I recently started writing another story, that is no where near done, and it is at 50,000 words. I hope to finish it and publish it.
3. Wealth -Of course I had to add this to the list! I am in college to be a social worker with foster kids. It makes good money, but still would make me middle class. I hope someday my job will be enough to support my living expenses, and my writing will be successful enough money for me to be free to have a lot of shiny things and adventures.
4. Go to Africa and Asia -I have for a long time held the nickname Africa bound chick. I was 4 years old when I formed the dream of being a missionary in Africa. All through high school the plan was to become a nurse and spend the rest of my life in Africa. Once in college, I formed new dreams and visions for my life. However, I do still want to spend at least six months in Africa at some point in my life.
My friends recently returned from a trip to Japan. I LOVED their pictures and stories, and it has made me want to go see it myself someday.
5. Have a chat with Betty Robison I greatly admire Betty Robison, and would love to sit and talk with her. She has lived the life I dream of living. I would love to ask her questions, and listen to her stories about all the amazing things she and her husband have done.
6. See the foundation grow -I dream of the day where the Sylar Newton Foundation is as widely known for helping abused kids, as the American Cancer Society is known for helping cancer patient. We just started this past November, and I have already been booked to speak at a few conferences, and been successful with several fundraisers. I believe big things are in store for the foundation.