Just putting in my two cents here.
I forgot to each breakfast today and was very hungry by 9 am, so I went over to the school book store and bought two packages of Pop Tarts. One titled, "Blueberry" and the other, "Apple Strudel".
So I was sitting out on the grassy field benches, thinking about how much I hate the cold, and pondering why if I hate it so much, am I sitting outside?
I greatly enjoyed my blueberry pop tart. It had just enough artificial berry and just cancer causing sugar replacements, to trick my mind into believing it was a good meal.
Still hungry, I opened up the second package. The first thing I noticed was it was much thinner than the berry. As I picked it up the fake brown sugar all fell off. The supposed-to-be icing was hard and crunchy.
If crunchy wasn't bad enough, getting it rammed in and stuck in my permanant retainer was miserable.
I keep biting into it thinking more and more, that I 1. Hate being cold. 2. This pop tart is way too sweet and way to crunchy.
Moral of the story, if you are going to sit on a metal bench outside in 60 degree weather, eat Berry Pop Tart, not Apple Strudel.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Gliese 581-g: Home Sweet Home?
For centuries mankind has posed the question, “Is there life on other planets?” From sending men to the moon, to sending robots to Mars, the journey continues to try and find out if life exists and/or if humans could exist on another planet.
While scientist still do not know if life does exist on another planet, they do believe they may have found a planet that we humans could exist on. Scientists say it is the first “Goldilocks” planet to be discovered. A "Goldilocks planet" is a planet that falls within a star's habitable zone, often specifically used for planets close to the size of Earth.
"The planet has to be the right distance from the star so it's not too hot and not too cold that liquid water can exist," says Paul Butler of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. "And then the planet has to have the right surface gravity."
Scientists have found other planets in other solar systems similar to Earth’s size, but all are too far away from their star to be possible to either be warm enough to support life, or too hot to have any water. They believe this planet is different. The new planet, called Gliese 581-g, However, there is no direct evidence that Gliese 581-g actually has water.
Gliese 581-g orbits around the star Gliese 581 along with six other planets. Scientist say Gliese 581-g has an eerie resemblance to Earth in position and size.
The question of whether humans could exist there is still unknown, being that the entire solar system is very small. Some believe Gliese 581-g is much smaller that it appears, saying that the star and all it’s six planets could join together and be smaller than Earth.
It may take many more years to know the full truth of Gliese 581-g; but we may have hope if it is ever discovered Earth is becoming unlivable on.
While scientist still do not know if life does exist on another planet, they do believe they may have found a planet that we humans could exist on. Scientists say it is the first “Goldilocks” planet to be discovered. A "Goldilocks planet" is a planet that falls within a star's habitable zone, often specifically used for planets close to the size of Earth.
"The planet has to be the right distance from the star so it's not too hot and not too cold that liquid water can exist," says Paul Butler of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. "And then the planet has to have the right surface gravity."
Scientists have found other planets in other solar systems similar to Earth’s size, but all are too far away from their star to be possible to either be warm enough to support life, or too hot to have any water. They believe this planet is different. The new planet, called Gliese 581-g, However, there is no direct evidence that Gliese 581-g actually has water.
Gliese 581-g orbits around the star Gliese 581 along with six other planets. Scientist say Gliese 581-g has an eerie resemblance to Earth in position and size.
The question of whether humans could exist there is still unknown, being that the entire solar system is very small. Some believe Gliese 581-g is much smaller that it appears, saying that the star and all it’s six planets could join together and be smaller than Earth.
It may take many more years to know the full truth of Gliese 581-g; but we may have hope if it is ever discovered Earth is becoming unlivable on.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
How to get a good laugh when facebook stops working
I am only semi ashamed to say it, none the less, I am a facebook junkie. I am on as often as possible, and when I see or hear interesting things my first thought is, "Oh, I need to put that on facebook!"
How ever I find comfort in knowing I am not the worst condition a facebook addict can be. Some people go into sheer panic when the site goes down.
If you are like me, and attempt to find the funny in every situation, then you should check out the recent discovery I made; which gives me a good laugh every time. If you are not like me, then this blog entry will be very disappointing to you...sorry in advance!
Here's what you do
If you try to go to facebook, and the page won't load. The thought comes to mind, "Why isn't my facebook working?"
Step 1. Go to http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com There you can type in the url and it will tell you for certain if your internet is just haywire or if the site is really not working.
Step 2. If it tells you "It's not just you." Go to google.com
Step 3. Type in, "Facebook not working" and hit enter
Step 4. Once the results pop up, to the left there are options. Click "More search tools" Then click "latest"
Step 5. Watch the updates scroll down the screen of the millions of people around the world who share of their shock and horror that their beloved facebook is not working.
Step 6. Laugh out loud knowing you are not alone in your aching desire for facebook to work.
Step 7. By the time you have finished all these steps, and gotten your thrill out of the updates, facebook should be working again.
Hee hee!!
Friday, October 1, 2010
The Andcaneli triplets story exposed!
For Sara and Stina
It was a hot and humid June morning. Three little girls came into the world. Sisters at birth, sisters for ever. Daddy Pirate was away at sea, Mommy Crazy Clown was running around with no sanity.
The others in the town did not know what to do. Three little girls, no parents they knew. While the crazy clown regenerized, and the pirate continued poking eyes, the sheriff crept to their crib.
Not a sound did they make, one baby did not even wake. Once the babies were safe the town met inside a vase. One man cried, "Send them to the circus, and they won't make a fuss." Another suggested, "Send them sailing the sea, there they will be free."
When from out of the dark, and old woman creaked, "Give them to families who they will need. They may be separated, but they can grow to live a good life."
All agreed. They searched and searched, and alas, they found three families. The girls did not have names, Crazy Clown had named them, Hur, Her, and Herr. Since the town was named Sville, the mayor made a decree, "Their names shall have S's to honor this town they will never remember." So it was set, Sara, Stina, and Savannah.
So the triplets were separated and given to the families upon the vow that they would never tell they girls the true story, or the existence of their sisters, for their very lives would be at risk, if the crazy clown or pirate ever found them.
17 years they would live with out their dear triplets, never knowing each other but always knowing something was missing. Until that one fateful day in Miami, Florida. When all three girls decided they wanted to go to South America, and they ended up on the same team of missionaries.
They faced treacherous heat, cascading mountains, spit throwing lamas, and Inca Kola addictions and they survived all by each others side. But as all adventures do, the South American adventure had to come to an end. The girls agreed they would be friends for ever, little did they know what a waited the three, just down the road...
Savannah, who by this age preferred the name Anna contacted Sara that one rainy day to say, "What's up, what's new, what's lame?" As the two spoke, they grew suspicious,"How is it that we have so much in common? We must be related, maybe past lives are real?!"
Just then a little green gnome crawled up to Anna's ear, "You are not from here my dear." She shrieked with fear. Slowly he shared that they had come from a far away land, because their new families had needed them. They panicked in wondering, "Were we kidnapped?!"
"But you are not twins I say, for there were three of you born that day.Who are your parents is not what you should ask, but who is the third? Think! Think fast!"
Just as it occurred it was Stina they whose bond was felt third. They did not have time to question the gnome, for just that moment, a pirate burst through Anna's home!
"Mwa ha ha ha, I have finally found you! Now you are mine! Quick me mateys, send her to the crabs!" the pirate ordered.
Anna screamed out with desperation in her voice, "Please save me dear triplet, from the man eating crabs!"
But Sara and Stina were too far away, Anna was not saved. They mourned the death of the triplet they never got to know aside from those months in South America. 33 years they wept for their dear triplet, when one day she reappeared!
"The mermaids saved me, but I went under cover trying to solve the mystery of our lives. So far I do not know much, but our father is the pirate who tried to kill me, and our mother is a crazy clown."
The sisters rejoiced in celebration, they would finally get to live together and unlock the mystery.
These are the words I found engraved in the ground. Below that the stone read, "This is the story of the three women who disappeared in the African snow. There bodies were never found. No, there was nothing left of them but the shoe of a clown."
It was a hot and humid June morning. Three little girls came into the world. Sisters at birth, sisters for ever. Daddy Pirate was away at sea, Mommy Crazy Clown was running around with no sanity.
The others in the town did not know what to do. Three little girls, no parents they knew. While the crazy clown regenerized, and the pirate continued poking eyes, the sheriff crept to their crib.
Not a sound did they make, one baby did not even wake. Once the babies were safe the town met inside a vase. One man cried, "Send them to the circus, and they won't make a fuss." Another suggested, "Send them sailing the sea, there they will be free."
When from out of the dark, and old woman creaked, "Give them to families who they will need. They may be separated, but they can grow to live a good life."
All agreed. They searched and searched, and alas, they found three families. The girls did not have names, Crazy Clown had named them, Hur, Her, and Herr. Since the town was named Sville, the mayor made a decree, "Their names shall have S's to honor this town they will never remember." So it was set, Sara, Stina, and Savannah.
So the triplets were separated and given to the families upon the vow that they would never tell they girls the true story, or the existence of their sisters, for their very lives would be at risk, if the crazy clown or pirate ever found them.
17 years they would live with out their dear triplets, never knowing each other but always knowing something was missing. Until that one fateful day in Miami, Florida. When all three girls decided they wanted to go to South America, and they ended up on the same team of missionaries.
They faced treacherous heat, cascading mountains, spit throwing lamas, and Inca Kola addictions and they survived all by each others side. But as all adventures do, the South American adventure had to come to an end. The girls agreed they would be friends for ever, little did they know what a waited the three, just down the road...
Savannah, who by this age preferred the name Anna contacted Sara that one rainy day to say, "What's up, what's new, what's lame?" As the two spoke, they grew suspicious,"How is it that we have so much in common? We must be related, maybe past lives are real?!"
Just then a little green gnome crawled up to Anna's ear, "You are not from here my dear." She shrieked with fear. Slowly he shared that they had come from a far away land, because their new families had needed them. They panicked in wondering, "Were we kidnapped?!"
"But you are not twins I say, for there were three of you born that day.Who are your parents is not what you should ask, but who is the third? Think! Think fast!"
Just as it occurred it was Stina they whose bond was felt third. They did not have time to question the gnome, for just that moment, a pirate burst through Anna's home!
"Mwa ha ha ha, I have finally found you! Now you are mine! Quick me mateys, send her to the crabs!" the pirate ordered.
Anna screamed out with desperation in her voice, "Please save me dear triplet, from the man eating crabs!"
But Sara and Stina were too far away, Anna was not saved. They mourned the death of the triplet they never got to know aside from those months in South America. 33 years they wept for their dear triplet, when one day she reappeared!
"The mermaids saved me, but I went under cover trying to solve the mystery of our lives. So far I do not know much, but our father is the pirate who tried to kill me, and our mother is a crazy clown."
The sisters rejoiced in celebration, they would finally get to live together and unlock the mystery.
These are the words I found engraved in the ground. Below that the stone read, "This is the story of the three women who disappeared in the African snow. There bodies were never found. No, there was nothing left of them but the shoe of a clown."

The boy who broke my heart
This summer I learned the name of a certain boy. I would go on to fall in love with that boy, and I would proceed to have my heart broken by that boy. And it all started on facebook. Did I mention, that boy was 2 years old?
July 26, the little boy had disappeared from his campground about 24hrs prior. A friend of mine posted the news report on her facebook wall. His name was Sylar Newton. Something about the boy grabbed my attention. I read through the report, he was being adopted, his biological parents had not been found, he was taken from a tent. I assured myself one of his bio parents took him.
Another day went by and I couldn't get his name out of my head. I decided I would join his facebook page and share with my friends as a way of feeling I did my part. When I looked, I found no page for him. I went on a whim and decided I would make a page for him.
I searched around and there were no good visible pictures of Sylar. Annoyed I searched for his relatives, and found his biological mom. She informed me the news spelled his name Syler but it was really Sylar. She provided good pictures of him. The moment I got a good look at his face, my hear melted. He was truly beautiful in every way.
The next few weeks I would get very involved with it all. I met his aunt, helped create a trust fund for Sylar, and was one of the first people to find out when Sylar's body was found; I wept like a baby over a baby I never met.
A lot more happened, that I cannot quite go into, but lots of people began to shed a light on the hard life Sylar lived with his adoptive family.
Now, no arrests have been made, and Sylar has not even been 100% confirmed ID, but a team of us have made it our mission to create an organization dedicated to preventing child abuse, in memory of Sylar.
Nothing is official yet... We have contacted a lawyer in hopes of getting his pro bono help to gain non profit status. We have been speaking the last few weeks, and he has to get the final thumbs up from his firm pro bono committee, then we will get started. He said it is looking good there.
More to come as I find out! <3 <3 <3 <3
July 26, the little boy had disappeared from his campground about 24hrs prior. A friend of mine posted the news report on her facebook wall. His name was Sylar Newton. Something about the boy grabbed my attention. I read through the report, he was being adopted, his biological parents had not been found, he was taken from a tent. I assured myself one of his bio parents took him.
Another day went by and I couldn't get his name out of my head. I decided I would join his facebook page and share with my friends as a way of feeling I did my part. When I looked, I found no page for him. I went on a whim and decided I would make a page for him.
I searched around and there were no good visible pictures of Sylar. Annoyed I searched for his relatives, and found his biological mom. She informed me the news spelled his name Syler but it was really Sylar. She provided good pictures of him. The moment I got a good look at his face, my hear melted. He was truly beautiful in every way.
The next few weeks I would get very involved with it all. I met his aunt, helped create a trust fund for Sylar, and was one of the first people to find out when Sylar's body was found; I wept like a baby over a baby I never met.
A lot more happened, that I cannot quite go into, but lots of people began to shed a light on the hard life Sylar lived with his adoptive family.
Now, no arrests have been made, and Sylar has not even been 100% confirmed ID, but a team of us have made it our mission to create an organization dedicated to preventing child abuse, in memory of Sylar.
Nothing is official yet... We have contacted a lawyer in hopes of getting his pro bono help to gain non profit status. We have been speaking the last few weeks, and he has to get the final thumbs up from his firm pro bono committee, then we will get started. He said it is looking good there.
More to come as I find out! <3 <3 <3 <3

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