I am only semi ashamed to say it, none the less, I am a facebook junkie. I am on as often as possible, and when I see or hear interesting things my first thought is, "Oh, I need to put that on facebook!"
How ever I find comfort in knowing I am not the worst condition a facebook addict can be. Some people go into sheer panic when the site goes down.
If you are like me, and attempt to find the funny in every situation, then you should check out the recent discovery I made; which gives me a good laugh every time. If you are not like me, then this blog entry will be very disappointing to you...sorry in advance!
Here's what you do
If you try to go to facebook, and the page won't load. The thought comes to mind, "Why isn't my facebook working?"
Step 1. Go to http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com There you can type in the url and it will tell you for certain if your internet is just haywire or if the site is really not working.
Step 2. If it tells you "It's not just you." Go to google.com
Step 3. Type in, "Facebook not working" and hit enter
Step 4. Once the results pop up, to the left there are options. Click "More search tools" Then click "latest"
Step 5. Watch the updates scroll down the screen of the millions of people around the world who share of their shock and horror that their beloved facebook is not working.
Step 6. Laugh out loud knowing you are not alone in your aching desire for facebook to work.
Step 7. By the time you have finished all these steps, and gotten your thrill out of the updates, facebook should be working again.
Hee hee!!
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