Normally on Fridays I update on how my weight loss is going. I haven't lost any weight this past week. So I decided to use the free space to update on my life.
I have about another month until classes start again. I will only be in 2 classes, the other 3 are online and only pertain to my internship.
Yesterday I met with the volunteer director at Child Protective Services to fill out the paperwork they needed for me to intern there. There were two kids with their families in the waiting room the same time as me. Just seeing them and hearing the one talking got me excited to start doing things there.
They sent out character references letters to 3 people and have to get 2 back before they can let me start.
I am excited and yet still a bit nervous as to how it will work out. I have tried doing things like this in the past and it always hit some kind of dead end. Now it's extremely important as my college degree depends upon it.

This means I will have to go onto university, which means I will have to get a loan. I don't really like that being I had hoped to start out life debt free.
I am looking into ORU in Oklahoma again. I had very badly wanted to go there two years ago.
My senior year of high school I had applied for over 50 scholarships and didn't get squat. There was one full ride through ORU that looked very hopeful, but in the end I missed it by 10 FRIGGIN points on my SAT.
Lately I have been thinking about ORU a lot, and am growing warmer and warmer to the idea of trying again. I have made up my mind that I don't mind if I have to get a loan, but I need to get at least one scholarship of any size to prove to me that I belong there.
A couple months ago my mom voiced her concern about the areas of town I jog through. I kinda rolled my eyes and thought, "oh mothers!".
She talked me into buying and carrying a bottle of pepper spray. I got to use it for the first time, and was very grateful for it when the dog kept coming back trying to attack me.
Mom's advice also came in very handy last week. When Nick and I went on our road trip she hounded us to buy AAA. Both of us brushed it off, so last minute she ended up getting it for us. THANKFULLY we did not end up needing it 1,000 miles from home!
This past week I went to an African orphanage benefit dinner out in Portland with one of my girlfriends. AAA came to the rescue and towed me home when my truck had a fire on the freeway on our way home.
Appearantly Lexy and I both get very giggly when nervous, so we were quite the show for the tow truck driver. Let me say that guy was awesome. He was cute, and funny, and fun(making me even more nervous, thus more giggly, thus more entertaining for him).
I could tell you a lot more about my car blues, but I think I gave it enough attention in yesterdays blog.
As many people know, I am a writer. I have had the goal for about 5yrs to get a book published. The last story I wrote about a year and a half ago was 32,000 words long. All the places I sent it said it was way too short. The past six months I have been working on a new story called "Visionary". I am about 3/5ths the way done and am at 77,000 words. I am very excited about it and am hoping it will finally be the piece to accomplish my dream.
Well, that's about all I can think of for now. Cheers!!
Yay for moms...and mace...and AAA...and Lexy! Ever think of a self-defense class or packing heat? ;)
Hi Niece- You have the compassion and common sense to make a great social worker-my coworker was telling me about a social worker for CSD who has had more than 1,000 kids go through his home and has adopted 8. He was an expert witness in the case against Clack County 5 social workers and she was part of the 3 week jury panel at Multnomah County Court House. About the debt for education-Erik did the same thing you are doing and we found him scholarships that were only available to Juniors and Seniors. lets tak at Christmas-love ya Aunt-T
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