What to do on a day like today?
It's sunny, it's cold, it's sunny, it's uneventful, did I mention it's sunny?
I saw a friend post on facebook, "Beautiful morning to read OUTSIDE on the porch, basking in the SUNSHINE!" Now I am at my desk, staring out at the sun, thinking how much I can't wait to get home and do just that...bask in the cold sunshine!
It's February 1. I love the first day of the month. It's like New Year's...but times 12. A new day, a new month, a new deadline, a new beginning, a new weather season, new plans, new newness. Who needs a New Year's resolution. I got a New Month's resolution. Laugh more, learn more, do more, mmm and sit in the sun mmm yum.
If you can't tell, I really love the sunshine, even if it is cold. Maybe that's part of the reason I am moving out of state; sunshine is a rare thing here.
I went to visit my aunt in California for Thanksgiving. I looked up at the sky and was like, "Aunt Betsy, what is that big bright round thing up there?"

I cut my hair very short, a while back, and today was the first day it is long enough to straighten. I was very excited about the way it turned out. I got a new outfit for 5 dolla. That's pretty much been the highlight of my week so far. LOL I sound like such a girly girl.
I'm guessing my ADD is in full speed mode today. I just keep looking at the sky and day dreaming about what I want to do when I get outside; and what I want to do in a sunnier state.
1. Go for a walk
2. Stand still looking up at the sky.
3. Get a warm cup of coffee, a blanket, a bible, and a chair, and go sit in the sunshine and read.
4. Go to church tonight and be all hyper and giddy because I got my fix on sunshine rays.
1. Move to a sunny state.
2. Spend ALL my free time in the outdoors.
3. Get all tan and skinny from playing outside all day.
4. Marry me a brunette, brown eyed, dimpled, southern drawl, christian, sun loving man.
5. Have me some fun in the sun `til the day I die.
:) **Bliss** :)