What to do on a day like today?
It's sunny, it's cold, it's sunny, it's uneventful, did I mention it's sunny?
I saw a friend post on facebook, "Beautiful morning to read OUTSIDE on the porch, basking in the SUNSHINE!" Now I am at my desk, staring out at the sun, thinking how much I can't wait to get home and do just that...bask in the cold sunshine!
It's February 1. I love the first day of the month. It's like New Year's...but times 12. A new day, a new month, a new deadline, a new beginning, a new weather season, new plans, new newness. Who needs a New Year's resolution. I got a New Month's resolution. Laugh more, learn more, do more, mmm and sit in the sun mmm yum.
If you can't tell, I really love the sunshine, even if it is cold. Maybe that's part of the reason I am moving out of state; sunshine is a rare thing here.
I went to visit my aunt in California for Thanksgiving. I looked up at the sky and was like, "Aunt Betsy, what is that big bright round thing up there?"

I cut my hair very short, a while back, and today was the first day it is long enough to straighten. I was very excited about the way it turned out. I got a new outfit for 5 dolla. That's pretty much been the highlight of my week so far. LOL I sound like such a girly girl.
I'm guessing my ADD is in full speed mode today. I just keep looking at the sky and day dreaming about what I want to do when I get outside; and what I want to do in a sunnier state.
1. Go for a walk
2. Stand still looking up at the sky.
3. Get a warm cup of coffee, a blanket, a bible, and a chair, and go sit in the sunshine and read.
4. Go to church tonight and be all hyper and giddy because I got my fix on sunshine rays.
1. Move to a sunny state.
2. Spend ALL my free time in the outdoors.
3. Get all tan and skinny from playing outside all day.
4. Marry me a brunette, brown eyed, dimpled, southern drawl, christian, sun loving man.
5. Have me some fun in the sun `til the day I die.
:) **Bliss** :)
1 comment:
Love your hair and your girly-girl and your unabashed love of God. Your Aunt and Uncle are so happy with you about the scholarship. And you are inspiring me to get out and walk today...after another cup of coffee of course- Aunt T
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