I was amazed Josh had never heard of it; being he is only a year younger than me, and grew up around the same crowd.
A futuristic 90's video, it was all about a group of kids using faith to get out of situations. Watching the video effects, we laughed at how our modern technology for video effects has made anything over 5yrs old look hilarious.
Nick could only handle a few minutes of it, before he put in Nemo. Babysitting little Kendall back when she was three, she was obsessed with Nemo. She'd watch it every time she was at our house.
Both movies sent me down memory lane. It made me giggle to think of how little kids obsess over their favorite movies.
I was seven years old the first time I ever heard of Commander Kellie. I only ever got to see tiny clips of it, but it was all my friends ever talked about. Out on the playground, they would all get together and act out the movie.
I can recall, Holly(blondie) always played the character of Missy because she was blonde. Katie played Valerie because she had the same brown hair. I remember one time the two getting into a tear filled argument because one was upset that the other always got to play that character just because their hair color.
I never knew the whole story, so I would jump into the game and start making things up. Every one would shoo me away because I was doing it all wrong.
It turned into almost a joke for me, because EVERY SINGLE TIME it would be put on to watch, something would come up, causing me to have to leave. I would see the movie on the screen and would laugh, "Oh, must be almost time for me to go, Commander Kellie is on." And without fail, the teacher, pastor, aunt, or mom would always show up and say I had to go because of this or that.
It became a mission of mine to see the entire movie. I tried so hard for so long. Along the way.....the story teller I am.... I would spend my bedtime hours laying there imagining what happened in the next scene that I didn't get to see. My theories got very elaborate and very exciting.
I talked about it constantly to all the adults in my life, hoping maybe one of them could help get me to see it.
Sadly, it took until my 12th bday for my aunt to buy the video, so that I could FINALLY watch the entire thing. I was very disappointed because it was not at all like I imagined, but I was thrilled that I had finally accomplished my goal after all that time. Even worse, I got to school and wanted to finally be included in the conversations about it, and there were none to be found. Every one found it strange that I wanted to talk about a little kids movie. NOOOOO! Ha, ha.
I was rather mad about it at the time, but seeing it again recently, made me laugh to think of all the times I tried and tried and tried to see it. Nothing ever worked!
Come to think of it, that happens a lot to me.I missed my chance for a full ride scholarship to the university of my dreams, because my SAT's were off by 10 points. The day I was sick, the news people talked to my class about the new building. My first time buying a scratch it, the person in line behind me won $100.
All my childhood I was madly in love with Michael W. Smith. I dreamed of getting to meet him; he was all I ever talked about. Once when my dad was in the hospital, he was only allowed to leave for an hour. Dad went with us to a meet and greet with Michael. We were standing in line for so long, but we had just reached the point where I could see Michael off in the distance. I was so squealing excited, when Mom announced Dad's hour was up and we had to leave!
Me and my luck lol! Well let's hope if I do ever get to meet Michael, it will be different than the experience of getting to see the Commander Kellie movie. Hopefully it will be as cool as I hoped when I was little, and hopefully people will agree with me that it was cool.
Moral of this story....If I ever tell you I got to meet Michael W. Smith, squeal and jump and be very excited for me, no matter how you really feel about it! LOL

Here's one of the clips I found that kinda made me giggle.
Oh, p.s. THANKS FOR THE VIDEO AUNT TERI! You made a dream come true =D Love you
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