That same year, a 2nd grader was left with a crippled arm after a drunk driver hit his car on the way home.
Every single person has been affected by drinking and driving some how. Today it has claimed 2 more lives. Jackass star Ryan Dunn and his unidentified passenger.
It always saddens me to hear of some one dying in a needless death. It angers me to hear a death was totally preventable. I hope this may remind people not to drink and drive.
Have fun with your friends, but call a cab!
Here is a powerful poem I found
Take the Keys
By Angela Rouse

Think you're O.K.
Get in the car and drive away.
Go to switch lanes,
Have to swerve to the right,
Can barely see.
It's the middle of the night.
Hit the sidewalk,
Don't know what you did.
Get out of the car,
Realize you hit a kid.
You go to check,
Make sure he's alive.
God, he must have only been 5.
Cops show up,
Cuff your hands.
Take you to prison,
Ruin all your plans.
You were gonna go to college,
Start a career.
Now you're locked up
For at least 20 years.
You realize you made
The biggest mistake of your life.
Decide one day,
To end it with a knife.
Now you're dead,
And so is he.
This all could have been prevented,
If a friend would have taken the keys!
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