Today in class, I was sitting next to a lady, whom I noticed was beginning to nod off. Soon she was asleep. This was 100% verified when she let out a loud snore loud enough to even momentarily wake her up. She was quickly out again. I thought about trying to wake her up; but if the rule is to never wake a sleeping dog, maybe it's the same for waking a sleep deprived college student? So I just tried to pretend I never heard a snore.
Things got interesting when she let out another snort. This time it was much harder not to laugh. I bit my knuckle to hold it in, and my face got bright red. The teachers words proceeded in a serious tone, "Now addiction to caffeine is a bit different. You see caffeine has a dosage average of 200mg, and don't you hate it when something really awkward and uncomfortable is happening right beside you? How you try to just pretend it didn't just happen. But more and more you feel a desire welling up inside you to laugh."
Right then I couldn't hold it in any longer. I covered my mouth and let out a quiet giggle.
He continued, "And then it feels suh-ho good when you finally let out the laugh,but then you can't stop laughing, and then you feel even more uncomfortable, so you want to laugh more and more and more."
Simultaneously I and 2 others broke out in loud laughter(Thus resulting in the woman waking up).
The teacher, very proud of himself, continued with his lecture.
A few minutes later, I noticed the woman was nodding again. Soon she was asleep again. This time she let out 2 snorts. My teacher then instructed us all to lay our heads down and on the count of three, begin continuous loud snoring.
We achieved waking the woman fully up, making her realize she had been snoring, and causing the entire class to get a good hard laugh.
The experience made my whole day a little more jolly. I keep giggling as I think of the event.
When I was working this evening, a co-worker spotted me with a giant smile and asked why I was so smiley. I shared with her the story from earlier today.

One day his joke worked it's magic on me...in that I was the only one who laughed at it. I was a bit embarrassed when I laughed out loud, and then realized no one else was laughing. The teacher stood at the front with a puzzled look. But then his whole demeanor changed to an expression of being completely elated that some one else finally thought he was funny. He started laughing uncontrollably, had to sit down, and kept repeating his statement that made me laugh. Soon the whole room was filled with laughter, with everybody entertained by his excitement over making me laugh(I think this mainly is because we all have felt this way one time or another). What started out as kind of embarrassing turned out to be one of my favorite memories from my time at this college.
On my drive home tonight, I was cracking myself up as I thought about all sorts of my favorite laughs, and thought I would share some.

After class, someone told me my mascara had smeared down my face. I went to the bathroom and had black all over. For some sick reason the mascara was made waterproof. Wiping away my tears from laughter were able to get it all over my face, but soap and water was not able to get it off of me. After some struggle, and getting written up for being late to my next class, I was able to clean it up enough to just look like a nasty bruise. Meaning, I had to go the rest of the day with awkward glances and questions about who hit me. Decided after that I never wanted a make-up that prevented me from freely expressing my full range of emotions at any time.

Near the end of the day, I walked past the closed bathroom door, and hear him in there struggling, "Eh, uh, hmm, aw!" I knocked, "You need some help."
Once he heard my voice, he busted into a dramatic sob and opened the door exclaiming, "It's stuck!" and pointing his behind in my face. What I saw was a sad yet funny sight, tons of toilet paper crammed up his behind. As I pulled on it, I laughed as the tp just kept coming out more and more.
With tears still on his cheek, he let out a priceless, deep, loud, "Tee hee hee, I made a funny!" Whenever I do something goofy or clumsy, I like to copy him, in letting out an over-dramatic, childish tone proclamation, "I made a funny!".

Another favorite laugh was kind of random, and probably not funny to most people. However, if any neighbors were watching me, they probably thought I had gone completely psychotic. It's been a couple years now, but I still giggle when I think about it.

As I sat there, dumb-founded, I tried to figure out what had just happened. Then I realized, and announced out loud with no one else around, "Oops! I slipped on a banana peel!"
It struck me as so ironically funny, that I literally rolled around in the lawn laughing at myself as I repeated over and over, "I slipped on a banana peel!" (As previously stated, to any normal person I appeared completely insane!) I still find it hilarious, but even more so I laugh at the fact that I went so nuts over it.

I got a kick out of it, and was laughing hard. Then I saw my aunt over in the corner, trying desperately to cling to the wall as her feet flung around in the air. She too was laughing hysterically as she informed me she had just waxed her wood floors and apparently did TOO good of a job.
Let me tell ya, I have never had so much adventure just trying to get from the kitchen to the living room.!
Thinking of some of the good-hard-laughs I've had, always makes my day a little brighter. Getting a good-hard-laugh, makes the whole day seem funnier to me. I love to laugh, but even more I love to listen to others laugh.
I always try to get some kinda giggle into every hour of my day, and sometimes I think that little giggle is all that's keeping me from crying.
I like to try to see the funny in every day things. Like, how is "You're too sweet!" a compliment, when if I add too much sugar to my coffee, I wanna spit it out.
If I can't seem to find something funny in the present, I try to remind my self of something funny in the past.
I have found that if I laugh, even if no one else knows what's funny, they will giggle or smile too.
A study has shown that children laugh about 400 times a day as compared to adults who laugh 17 times a day. Remember to have fun a little in the midst of your work. Laugh it up people!
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