Today is my 20th birthday. Yesterday my friend bought me a mini birthday cake. As I drove home I had the thought on my mind,of how exciting it was that I had bunches of goodies at home. I was gonna have my turkey with noodles, and finish off with a tiny bit of pie and cake. However, I was looking forward more to eating the pie, and thinking I may just save the cake for another day.
I got home and opened the fridge door. My plates were gone!
I went to my brother's room and my plate laid on his bed, empty. Where is it?! Nick said he asked my mom where they came from and she said she didn't know. He asked if he could eat it and she said go ahead.(This is what Nick said any way)
I asked him what happened to the other plate with the pie and he said he didn't know; that he had left it on the counter.
I went out to Mom and asked what happened to the pie. "Oh I was really hungry when I got home. Some one left it out on the counter, so I thought it was being thrown out, so I ate it. It was so good!"
This is a picture of the pie in it's original form

All my evening eating plans were ruined! While boiling over all of it, it suddenly struck me as funny. 5 days ago I said I need to start eating better, and exercising more. Then, people went and ate all my junk food for me. Well almost all, I still have my cake.
So maybe it was nature playing a cruel joke on me. Or maybe...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Look at it as a good thing, thats what i do when i dont get my diet soda or junk food, its like gods way of watching out for us :)
I see why my pic made you sad! What a travesty! Marking the cake was a smart idea :)
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