Today is Christmas day. For two years, Christmas day has also been the marker of the day my dreams were crushed, when I realized ORU was not going to happen.
I had prayed and prayed that God would make a way. But that day, I heard him gently say, "Now not." I cried a bit, but I felt peace. These two posts pretty much sum up the thoughts around that time: First Here and then here
Today December 25 has a new meaning to me. The day 2yr old murder victim Sylar Newton's abusers were both put behind bars. As I celebrated a bittersweet celebration for justice, I realized I am at a place in life I never imagined I would be.
It amazes me how much has changed in the past two years. I changed majors twice, I have gone from wanting to be a missionary nurse, to a child services agent. I have gone from shy and overly proud, to outspoken for what is right, and humbled. I have gone from fear of commitment and leadership, to president and co-founder of a non profit organization.
Every day I am learning more about my self, and every day I am seeing how different my life would have been if God had given me what I wanted, instead of what I needed. I am so thankful I have him guiding my steps, even when I don't think it's fair.
I would not say God kept me home just to start the foundation, because I refuse to think God wanted Sylar to die. He kept me home, where I had the experiences I did, that humbled me, shaped me, and made me yearn for what is right. Now that the terrible has happened, due to those two's terrible decisions, I feel honored that God is using me to help make good come from it. Genesis 50:20
The foundation is up and running. We are now supporting our first survivor.

In the new year, the whole world will be hearing the name "Sylar Newton Foundation" alot more, as we work to change the world.
Little Sylar, you have changed my life, I hope this year I make you proud! <3
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