It is a cold chilly day today. If you are ever around me for longer than a minute, you most likely will hear me mention how mush I dislike winter. There is snow all around from the past two days. It has warmed up to 35 degrees today so it is starting to melt. 35 is about 50 degrees below the temp I like.
As I sit here craving for summer to come, I think it's a good time to share a fun summer memory. Maybe I will do a few over the next few days. :)
It was late June or early July of this last summer. My parents were gone for the week. My brother Nick and I had been doing a lot of different activities that week, and this was the one day we both had nothing to do. We didn't like having nothing, being that we were used to having too much.
Around 2 A.M. and we both were still wide awake, complaining to each other about how bored we were. That is when the idea popped in my head that we should go on a walk. Ha ha, random, I know.
We headed out the door in and were lead by the bright moon and stars in the clear sky. We had brought flashlights but did not end up needing them.
On our little gravel road every one owns dogs. So we had to sneak as we traveled in hopes of not waking up the whole street. We were almost to the end of the road, when the house with 6 labs broke out in intense barking. We'd been caught.
We were nervous about what a person would think, no matter what excuse we found for why we were out at 2 am. The person in the house came out and yelled at the dogs to shut up. We continued walking a little more and the dogs barked even more passionately. So she let out a holler, "Is some one out there?" We stood frozen, both of us wanting to burst out in giggles.
The barking finally ceased and the neighbor went back inside, we quietly kept treading on. We finally got to the pavement, where we had planned to turn around, but we decided we did not want to pass by those dogs again, so instead we walked to the alternate way to our house, about 2 miles away. Once we hit the pavement, the houses are a little further back from the road, and are more spaced apart. So we had enough privacy to talk and laugh. It was fun.
We were about half way to our house, and I was saying how freaked out I would be if I saw 2 people walking by at 2am. Just then we passed a house, and heard the door lock. We laughed some what loudly due to the funny timing.
We went a bit further, and I told Nick how I had always had a fascination with the idea of laying in the middle of the road. We got to a long straight part of the road, and he said, "Let's do it!" So we laid there in the middle of the road, fulfilling one of my life long dreams, and I was thrilled when the moment was topped off by seeing 2 shooting stars.
The shooting start inspired my brother's question if I was aware my camera had the tool to take pictures of the stars. I got very excited and begged him to do it. So we finished the fun "morning" by going back home and grabbing my camera, to shoot the stars.
Some of the best times, are the most random.
Ha ha, I wish this had been mine! LOL