Thursday, December 30, 2010

Summer memories

It is a cold chilly day today. If you are ever around me for longer than a minute, you most likely will hear me mention how mush I dislike winter. There is snow all around from the past two days. It has warmed up to 35 degrees today so it is starting to melt. 35 is about 50 degrees below the temp I like.
As I sit here craving for summer to come, I think it's a good time to share a fun summer memory. Maybe I will do a few over the next few days. :)

It was late June or early July of this last summer. My parents were gone for the week. My brother Nick and I had been doing a lot of different activities that week, and this was the one day we both had nothing to do. We didn't like having nothing, being that we were used to having too much.
Around 2 A.M. and we both were still wide awake, complaining to each other about how bored we were. That is when the idea popped in my head that we should go on a walk. Ha ha, random, I know.
We headed out the door in and were lead by the bright moon and stars in the clear sky. We had brought flashlights but did not end up needing them.
On our little gravel road every one owns dogs. So we had to sneak as we traveled in hopes of not waking up the whole street. We were almost to the end of the road, when the house with 6 labs broke out in intense barking. We'd been caught.
We were nervous about what a person would think, no matter what excuse we found for why we were out at 2 am. The person in the house came out and yelled at the dogs to shut up. We continued walking a little more and the dogs barked even more passionately. So she let out a holler, "Is some one out there?" We stood frozen, both of us wanting to burst out in giggles.
The barking finally ceased and the neighbor went back inside, we quietly kept treading on. We finally got to the pavement, where we had planned to turn around, but we decided we did not want to pass by those dogs again, so instead we walked to the alternate way to our house, about 2 miles away. Once we hit the pavement, the houses are a little further back from the road, and are more spaced apart. So we had enough privacy to talk and laugh. It was fun.
We were about half way to our house, and I was saying how freaked out I would be if I saw 2 people walking by at 2am. Just then we passed a house, and heard the door lock. We laughed some what loudly due to the funny timing.
We went a bit further, and I told Nick how I had always had a fascination with the idea of laying in the middle of the road. We got to a long straight part of the road, and he said, "Let's do it!" So we laid there in the middle of the road, fulfilling one of my life long dreams, and I was thrilled when the moment was topped off by seeing 2 shooting stars.
The shooting start inspired my brother's question if I was aware my camera had the tool to take pictures of the stars. I got very excited and begged him to do it. So we finished the fun "morning" by going back home and grabbing my camera, to shoot the stars.

Some of the best times, are the most random.

Ha ha, I wish this had been mine! LOL

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Want it done? DO IT!

Most people see the problems of the world, and want some one to do something about it. I see what is wrong, and want to do something about it.
As the bible says, "The harvest is mending, but the workers are so few."
I found a good article that explains perfectly the frustration I have been having. It seems I have all these people demanding some one help, but when I try to get them to help, there is always an excuse as to why they cannot.
This is copied and pasted from


We can't claim credit for having coined this term, nor do we know its actual origin, but we love it nonetheless. Slacktivism is the search for the ultimate feel-good that derives from having come to society's rescue without actually getting one's hands dirty, volunteering any of one's time, or opening one's wallet. It's slacktivism that prompts us to forward appeals for business cards on behalf of a dying child intent upon having his name recorded in the Guinness World Book of Records or exhortations to others to continue circulating a particular e-mail because some big company has supposedly promised that every forward will generate monies for the care of a languishing tot. Likewise, it's slacktivism that prompts us to want to join a boycott of designated gas companies or eschew buying gasoline on a particular day rather than reduce our personal consumption of fossil fuels by driving less and taking the bus more often. Slacktivism comes in many forms, but its defining characteristic is its central theme of doing good with little or no effort on the part of the person inspired to participate, through the mechanisms of forwarding, exhorting, collecting, or e-signing."

Go ahead and sign+forward that next e-petition, but before you do, please also go work up a sweat, get your hands dirty, volunteer!
Asking for action is nothing with out each of us doing the acting.

Monday, December 27, 2010

What is that?

Today I woke up and decided it was a good day to rome around the woods surrounding my house. We live on 10 acres of land in about 1000 acres of logging country. There is a little creek at the edge of our land, that I have not visited in at least 3 years. I made my way out the door and was instantly greeted by the pouring rain. But being that I have lived in Oregon for 18 years, I am numb to the rain(lol). I just put on my mud boots and treaded on. I had to turn back to the house for pruners when I discovered the trail was almost non existent due to over grown blackberries.
As I went on I walked to parts that I never have before. It was fun. There are few things more therapeutic then spending time in the quiet of nature.

As I made my way down to the creek I noticed a tree with a large white streak on it. I thought it was a cool formation of tree sap. I got up to it and poked it, discovering it was a slimy gooey something with two slugs in it.

That is what inspired the title of this entry. I can't figure out, what is that?
Being that my mind tends to go to the gutter, I got back to my house and searched the internet for "slug mating." It looks like it, but their "product" is the size of a dime. The stuff I found was about as big as my boot.

So do you have an idea what it is? Please add a comment to help me solve my mystery

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Isn't it amazing?

Today is Christmas day. For two years, Christmas day has also been the marker of the day my dreams were crushed, when I realized ORU was not going to happen.
I had prayed and prayed that God would make a way. But that day, I heard him gently say, "Now not." I cried a bit, but I felt peace. These two posts pretty much sum up the thoughts around that time: First Here and then here
Today December 25 has a new meaning to me. The day 2yr old murder victim Sylar Newton's abusers were both put behind bars. As I celebrated a bittersweet celebration for justice, I realized I am at a place in life I never imagined I would be.
It amazes me how much has changed in the past two years. I changed majors twice, I have gone from wanting to be a missionary nurse, to a child services agent. I have gone from shy and overly proud, to outspoken for what is right, and humbled. I have gone from fear of commitment and leadership, to president and co-founder of a non profit organization.
Every day I am learning more about my self, and every day I am seeing how different my life would have been if God had given me what I wanted, instead of what I needed. I am so thankful I have him guiding my steps, even when I don't think it's fair.
I would not say God kept me home just to start the foundation, because I refuse to think God wanted Sylar to die. He kept me home, where I had the experiences I did, that humbled me, shaped me, and made me yearn for what is right. Now that the terrible has happened, due to those two's terrible decisions, I feel honored that God is using me to help make good come from it. Genesis 50:20

The foundation is up and running. We are now supporting our first survivor. Sending him cards and gifts. We were just awarded $1000 this week! We are still working out exactly how that will be used.
In the new year, the whole world will be hearing the name "Sylar Newton Foundation" alot more, as we work to change the world.
Little Sylar, you have changed my life, I hope this year I make you proud! <3

Monday, November 29, 2010

Nature's cruel joke!

We had Thanksgiving at my aunt's house this year. The day before Thanksgiving day I had the revelation that I need to lose weight. So I made sure not to eat too much at meal time, but there was SOOOO much good food! So I figured what I could do is only eat as much as I was hungry, then bring as much food home as I wanted, that I could enjoy the rest of the week. At the end of the day I had 2 to go plates. One filled with turkey, and the other filled with pie.
Today is my 20th birthday. Yesterday my friend bought me a mini birthday cake. As I drove home I had the thought on my mind,of how exciting it was that I had bunches of goodies at home. I was gonna have my turkey with noodles, and finish off with a tiny bit of pie and cake. However, I was looking forward more to eating the pie, and thinking I may just save the cake for another day.
I got home and opened the fridge door. My plates were gone!
I went to my brother's room and my plate laid on his bed, empty. Where is it?! Nick said he asked my mom where they came from and she said she didn't know. He asked if he could eat it and she said go ahead.(This is what Nick said any way)
I asked him what happened to the other plate with the pie and he said he didn't know; that he had left it on the counter.
I went out to Mom and asked what happened to the pie. "Oh I was really hungry when I got home. Some one left it out on the counter, so I thought it was being thrown out, so I ate it. It was so good!"

This is a picture of the pie in it's original form

All my evening eating plans were ruined! While boiling over all of it, it suddenly struck me as funny. 5 days ago I said I need to start eating better, and exercising more. Then, people went and ate all my junk food for me. Well almost all, I still have my cake.

So maybe it was nature playing a cruel joke on me. Or maybe...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Friday, November 26, 2010

How it feels being fat the 2nd time around

This time last year I was setting new year's resolution. I was at 190 and wanted to get down to 160. I wrote a few blogs about it, but kept getting bigger. Now, almost a year later, I am 210... yes, 2 freaking 10! Only 5lbs lighter than I've ever been.My BMI is 29.7, that's only 0.3 below the obese line. In 2005-2006 I went from 215 to 170 and maintained it for a year and a half, then it slowly started creeping back. Now it is all back. The only difference is that I hate it even more the second time around. I have always been a big girl, I never really knew what it felt like to be skinny until I lost the weight. Now that it is back I notice it a lot more and it makes me miserable. It feels like I wanna just shove the fat off me. Like it feels when some one grabs onto your arm. It gets annoying and you want to pull their hand off. I go to sit in my car, and I think I sat on top of a sweater or something. I go to pull it out and all I get is my butt. I lay on my back in bed, and something under my chin is causing annoying pressure. I try to grab at it to stop, and all I do is pull at my chin. When I let go it does it again. Finally the weight of my chin on my throat get so annoying, I end up turning over and sleeping on my side.
I had all these things the 1st time around, but I never noticed because it had always been there. Now I am miserable, feeling and noticing it all. I made a video of me and my friends at the mall. I saw my back side and thought I looked a lot like an older woman I know. Then I realized, "Oh crap, my back side looks like a 60 yr old mother of 5." I am only about to hit 20, I shouldn't look and feel this old! I've gotta lose this. I gotta get this annoying flab off of me.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Apple Strudel vs, Blueberry Pop Tarts

Just putting in my two cents here.

I forgot to each breakfast today and was very hungry by 9 am, so I went over to the school book store and bought two packages of Pop Tarts. One titled, "Blueberry" and the other, "Apple Strudel".
So I was sitting out on the grassy field benches, thinking about how much I hate the cold, and pondering why if I hate it so much, am I sitting outside?
I greatly enjoyed my blueberry pop tart. It had just enough artificial berry and just cancer causing sugar replacements, to trick my mind into believing it was a good meal.
Still hungry, I opened up the second package. The first thing I noticed was it was much thinner than the berry. As I picked it up the fake brown sugar all fell off. The supposed-to-be icing was hard and crunchy.
If crunchy wasn't bad enough, getting it rammed in and stuck in my permanant retainer was miserable.
I keep biting into it thinking more and more, that I 1. Hate being cold. 2. This pop tart is way too sweet and way to crunchy.

Moral of the story, if you are going to sit on a metal bench outside in 60 degree weather, eat Berry Pop Tart, not Apple Strudel.

Gliese 581-g: Home Sweet Home?

For centuries mankind has posed the question, “Is there life on other planets?” From sending men to the moon, to sending robots to Mars, the journey continues to try and find out if life exists and/or if humans could exist on another planet.
While scientist still do not know if life does exist on another planet, they do believe they may have found a planet that we humans could exist on. Scientists say it is the first “Goldilocks” planet to be discovered. A "Goldilocks planet" is a planet that falls within a star's habitable zone, often specifically used for planets close to the size of Earth.
"The planet has to be the right distance from the star so it's not too hot and not too cold that liquid water can exist," says Paul Butler of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. "And then the planet has to have the right surface gravity."
Scientists have found other planets in other solar systems similar to Earth’s size, but all are too far away from their star to be possible to either be warm enough to support life, or too hot to have any water. They believe this planet is different. The new planet, called Gliese 581-g, However, there is no direct evidence that Gliese 581-g actually has water.
Gliese 581-g orbits around the star Gliese 581 along with six other planets. Scientist say Gliese 581-g has an eerie resemblance to Earth in position and size.
The question of whether humans could exist there is still unknown, being that the entire solar system is very small. Some believe Gliese 581-g is much smaller that it appears, saying that the star and all it’s six planets could join together and be smaller than Earth.
It may take many more years to know the full truth of Gliese 581-g; but we may have hope if it is ever discovered Earth is becoming unlivable on.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How to get a good laugh when facebook stops working

I am only semi ashamed to say it, none the less, I am a facebook junkie. I am on as often as possible, and when I see or hear interesting things my first thought is, "Oh, I need to put that on facebook!"
How ever I find comfort in knowing I am not the worst condition a facebook addict can be. Some people go into sheer panic when the site goes down.
If you are like me, and attempt to find the funny in every situation, then you should check out the recent discovery I made; which gives me a good laugh every time. If you are not like me, then this blog entry will be very disappointing to you...sorry in advance!
Here's what you do

If you try to go to facebook, and the page won't load. The thought comes to mind, "Why isn't my facebook working?"

Step 1. Go to There you can type in the url and it will tell you for certain if your internet is just haywire or if the site is really not working.
Step 2. If it tells you "It's not just you." Go to
Step 3. Type in, "Facebook not working" and hit enter
Step 4. Once the results pop up, to the left there are options. Click "More search tools" Then click "latest"
Step 5. Watch the updates scroll down the screen of the millions of people around the world who share of their shock and horror that their beloved facebook is not working.
Step 6. Laugh out loud knowing you are not alone in your aching desire for facebook to work.
Step 7. By the time you have finished all these steps, and gotten your thrill out of the updates, facebook should be working again.

Hee hee!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Andcaneli triplets story exposed!

For Sara and Stina
It was a hot and humid June morning. Three little girls came into the world. Sisters at birth, sisters for ever. Daddy Pirate was away at sea, Mommy Crazy Clown was running around with no sanity.
The others in the town did not know what to do. Three little girls, no parents they knew. While the crazy clown regenerized, and the pirate continued poking eyes, the sheriff crept to their crib.
Not a sound did they make, one baby did not even wake. Once the babies were safe the town met inside a vase. One man cried, "Send them to the circus, and they won't make a fuss." Another suggested, "Send them sailing the sea, there they will be free."
When from out of the dark, and old woman creaked, "Give them to families who they will need. They may be separated, but they can grow to live a good life."
All agreed. They searched and searched, and alas, they found three families. The girls did not have names, Crazy Clown had named them, Hur, Her, and Herr. Since the town was named Sville, the mayor made a decree, "Their names shall have S's to honor this town they will never remember." So it was set, Sara, Stina, and Savannah.
So the triplets were separated and given to the families upon the vow that they would never tell they girls the true story, or the existence of their sisters, for their very lives would be at risk, if the crazy clown or pirate ever found them.

17 years they would live with out their dear triplets, never knowing each other but always knowing something was missing. Until that one fateful day in Miami, Florida. When all three girls decided they wanted to go to South America, and they ended up on the same team of missionaries.
They faced treacherous heat, cascading mountains, spit throwing lamas, and Inca Kola addictions and they survived all by each others side. But as all adventures do, the South American adventure had to come to an end. The girls agreed they would be friends for ever, little did they know what a waited the three, just down the road...

Savannah, who by this age preferred the name Anna contacted Sara that one rainy day to say, "What's up, what's new, what's lame?" As the two spoke, they grew suspicious,"How is it that we have so much in common? We must be related, maybe past lives are real?!"
Just then a little green gnome crawled up to Anna's ear, "You are not from here my dear." She shrieked with fear. Slowly he shared that they had come from a far away land, because their new families had needed them. They panicked in wondering, "Were we kidnapped?!"
"But you are not twins I say, for there were three of you born that day.Who are your parents is not what you should ask, but who is the third? Think! Think fast!"
Just as it occurred it was Stina they whose bond was felt third. They did not have time to question the gnome, for just that moment, a pirate burst through Anna's home!

"Mwa ha ha ha, I have finally found you! Now you are mine! Quick me mateys, send her to the crabs!" the pirate ordered.
Anna screamed out with desperation in her voice, "Please save me dear triplet, from the man eating crabs!"
But Sara and Stina were too far away, Anna was not saved. They mourned the death of the triplet they never got to know aside from those months in South America. 33 years they wept for their dear triplet, when one day she reappeared!
"The mermaids saved me, but I went under cover trying to solve the mystery of our lives. So far I do not know much, but our father is the pirate who tried to kill me, and our mother is a crazy clown."
The sisters rejoiced in celebration, they would finally get to live together and unlock the mystery.

These are the words I found engraved in the ground. Below that the stone read, "This is the story of the three women who disappeared in the African snow. There bodies were never found. No, there was nothing left of them but the shoe of a clown."

The boy who broke my heart

This summer I learned the name of a certain boy. I would go on to fall in love with that boy, and I would proceed to have my heart broken by that boy. And it all started on facebook. Did I mention, that boy was 2 years old?
July 26, the little boy had disappeared from his campground about 24hrs prior. A friend of mine posted the news report on her facebook wall. His name was Sylar Newton. Something about the boy grabbed my attention. I read through the report, he was being adopted, his biological parents had not been found, he was taken from a tent. I assured myself one of his bio parents took him.
Another day went by and I couldn't get his name out of my head. I decided I would join his facebook page and share with my friends as a way of feeling I did my part. When I looked, I found no page for him. I went on a whim and decided I would make a page for him.
I searched around and there were no good visible pictures of Sylar. Annoyed I searched for his relatives, and found his biological mom. She informed me the news spelled his name Syler but it was really Sylar. She provided good pictures of him. The moment I got a good look at his face, my hear melted. He was truly beautiful in every way.
The next few weeks I would get very involved with it all. I met his aunt, helped create a trust fund for Sylar, and was one of the first people to find out when Sylar's body was found; I wept like a baby over a baby I never met.
A lot more happened, that I cannot quite go into, but lots of people began to shed a light on the hard life Sylar lived with his adoptive family.
Now, no arrests have been made, and Sylar has not even been 100% confirmed ID, but a team of us have made it our mission to create an organization dedicated to preventing child abuse, in memory of Sylar.
Nothing is official yet... We have contacted a lawyer in hopes of getting his pro bono help to gain non profit status. We have been speaking the last few weeks, and he has to get the final thumbs up from his firm pro bono committee, then we will get started. He said it is looking good there.
More to come as I find out! <3 <3 <3 <3

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Where I am

Ha ha! Well, I haven't been on here since April, there is no real reason why not, the truth is I just forgot all about this. I just remembered it so I logged on, and was surprised to find several comments. There was one comment left on June 6, 2010 by Anonymous, it made me laugh out loud. What they recommended I do in my post "Why am I here" is exactly what I had already decided. Shortly after I wrote that heartfelt post, I watched a video about the flaws in CPS. I found myself wanting so badly to change things. I have had that desire many times in the past but always convinced myself it was not do-able because it didn't fit into the Africa plan. That's when it hit me, maybe the reason I have been hitting so many road blocks is because I shouldn't be trying to force my plan to work. I decided maybe I should go with something I know I am passionate about, instead of trying to find out if I could like something because it fits in Africa dream better.
I determined I need to let go of my plans for me, and go with what God intended. He is after all the one who put these passions inside of me.
I am not giving up on my dream of Africa, but I am letting happen when it happens, instead of forcing it.
I have changed my major, yes again, to social work in hopes of helping foster kids find good permanent homes.
Something else MAJOR happened over the summer, that I also believe will have an impact on the rest of my life. My next post will be more details about that. Stay tuned!! <3

Friday, April 16, 2010

Short Stories by Anna

Well I haven't resolved anything since my last post. Still just going through the motions and contemplating when to take the leap of faith. An update though, I have decided to start sharing some of my short stories with the world. Not sure where to put them yet, so I just created a new blog to post them for now. Do me a favor and follow it too??

Friday, April 9, 2010

Why am I here?

Why am I here? It's a question I have been pondering non stop lately. It has always been the plan for me to move to Africa, ALWAYS. I was 4yrs old at my aunt Teri's house when I saw an add for saving the starving african children, when my aunt explained to me what a missionary was, and when decided some day it would be me. So around 6th grade I made up in my mind that nursing was what would get me there. I held on to that plan all through high school. Then college came, I failed my first term. Nursing was out of the picture after that. It is not possible, and even if it was, I have no desire for it. So I went and talked to my adviser, who knows nothing of the history of my dream, and she suggested journalism based on what I actually like to do. I was excited about it, but when the excitement wore off, I am left thinking, if I get into this, I will end up in a desk job half my life. I don't want that, I want to be out living the dream everyday. So now I have reached the point where I am asking, why am I still here? Why am I not in Africa? There is loads of things I can do with out college education, and besides, there isn't much I can do with the area of study I am doing. So what do I do? I am losing my desire to be in school, I just want to find an organization that can support me, and I want to go be in Africa. So, why am I still here in oregon, wishing my life away with full time school, part time waitressing, and no time in the week for church. Why am I not out there, feeding the starving, bringing hope to the hopeless, rocking the orphans to sleep. I feel I am stuck in a rut, and it is just about time to get out. I don't know how I am getting there, but I do not want it to take much longer. I am tired of wondering, Lord please tell me, why am I here, and not where my heart is?

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I know I this blog is called Africa bound chick, and that I created it to talk all about my journey getting there. But, I am at a different point in my life right now. I am in a place of a big lifestyle change, and I think it's worthy of talking about on the page dedicated to my life's journey. So for a few months I am sidetracking away from my focus of Africa on this blog, and talking about my journey to good health. I have been sick lately, very sick. Vomitting a lot, low energy, and a few other things. First I thought it was TOM, then I thought I was fighting a bug. Then I started to get concerned there was something worse going on in me and that maybe I needed a doctor. Then it hit me tonight what has been making me sick, it's my lifestyle. I talk about wanting to lose weight this year, but I keep gaining. Earlier tonight I was throwing up and I began to cry thinking, "What's wrong with me?!" I tried thinking of what I had eaten to see if something caused it. I thought about it and thought some more. I ate ice cream 4 times today, bought a mocha, then had coffee when I got home. That was it. The day before and the day before were no better. It's the lack of sleep, high amount of stress, and crap I have been eating that's making me sick. So I went to get dinner and thought, "I'll eat something healthy." I couldn't find anything! This moment I realized I don't know how to eat. I don't know what's healthy, and what I should eat. Clueless. So I got a few books on calorie intake and what foods a person needs daily. I realize now it's more than only having 3 meals a day, and going to the gym. It's giving my body what it needs, and not much more. I need sleep, veggies, meats, grains, and good old fun and laughter. Tonight I will formulate a plan, tomorrow I take better care of my stomach. Africa bound chick is a health bound chick!

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Once upon a time there was a man and a woman who fell into something similar to love. They married and had a little boy and a little girl. He was only there for a while, but the wounds he left on the little girl would last for years. A while later a new man came along. He showed the girl that all men are not evil; but in fact most men are good. She did not need to be afraid of the dark, or some one hurting her, and he taught her how to pray. He not only showed her how to fish, check the oil, and change a tire. He taught her how true love could truly be; yes he loved her mother so. She saw with him and her mother that love is cruise across the sea or simply watching Jeopardy. That little girl just turned 19, and has begun looking for a love of her own. She has not found him yet but she knows how she wants it to be. That little girl is me.

Friday, January 8, 2010


In my last post my life was in complete utter chaos. Well, things have improved just a tad. First off I am going to be allowed to stay on ASG on the terms that I will have a better GPA by Spring term. I changed my major to journalism. I have had 4 week of classes now and must say it fits my much better. My hobbies are writing and making videos and that's exactly what I am doing in my classes. I wasn't really fitting in in my classes last term with the nursing students. The only friends I made were in ASG. I went to my classes this term and first day I had ten new friends. Some one asked me today how I am liking my classes. I just laughed and said, "It's like they were made just for me."

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Though I walk through the valley

I gotta face it, 2009 has been one of the hardest years of my life. Okay that may be an exaggeration, here's a better way of putting it. 2009 has been the most emotional year of my life. I started off the year with an outbreak of senioritice. I wanted out of high school so bad that I missed out on a lot of fun events just because I did not want to be at the school more than I had to be. I missed getting to ORU by missing 10 points on my SAT scores. I was so crushed. Then I felt convinced that I was going to CCC to turn it upside down and on fire for God. Well, I have had a blast having my beliefs challenged for the first time in my life, and getting to be the goody christian around my new circles, but it wasn't quite such a huge revival as I imagined. May I got my first job as a waitress in a retirement home. I graduated high school and felt on top of the world. I started working more hours and it made it impossible to go to church. Then I felt like one of those people who graduate then never goes to church again. I have been battling with myself over that a lot. Come September I had an idea for a story, I went with it, and now am thinking of publishing when I finish. Then the devastation hit December 16 when I got the results that I flunked 2/3 of my classes in college. Meaning so far my college experience has been a failure. Failing also meant that I lost my scholarship which paid for 1/2 of tuition, I will find out tomorrow if I am kicked out of ASG or not, and I am on probation with federal aid. School starts tomorrow and I do not meet the requirements of the classes I am in because of my failures. I have determined nursing is not what I want to do. I am now thinking some kind of video production. I think maybe that is why I didn't get the scholarship that would have sent me to ORU. Because I didn't know what I was doing yet. It would have cost me a lot in moving expenses and cost ORU a scholarship that could have gone to some one who had it figured out. Maybe once I figure out what I am doing things will be better financially. I have gained 30lbs since January 2009. Mainly because my addiction to facebook and my habit of emotional eating.
What are my goals for 2010? 1. Get better grades. 2. Figure out what I want to do. 3. Lose the 30lbs I gained(200lbs to 170lbs). 4. Finish my book. 5. Publish my book. 6. Get my GPA from 2.4 up to 3.5

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